Specialists in sourcing high quality livestock

Curaheen Earp Semen for Sale

Tag No: IE171059810478
DOB: 28.12.0013
Curaheen Earp Curaheen Earp

No.1 Simmental in Irish A.I for Replacement Index. 

Earp was selected for the Simmental Gene Ireland Programme.

Sire Vio is note for producing cattle high in Terminal and Maternal traits.

Dam is an impressive cow with a great pelvis and excellent on milk production.

Price £15 for any quantity of straws

Curaheen Earp Pedigree

Sire: Curaheen Vio

GSire: Hillcrest Champion

Dam: Blackford Siskin

GSire: Kilbride Farm Miller
GDam: Blackford Mavis

Hillcrest Champion
Curaheen Vio
Raceview Merle-Beauty
Curaheen Earp
Kilbride Farm Miller
Blackford Siskin
Blackford Mavis
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